Friday, September 28, 2007

What Is Blue Mold And how Does It Affect Me

Blue mold is a fungus that commonly affects fruits that are put into cold storage; the mold develops quite slowly at these cold temperatures. When it is brought to room temperature, green mold (which does not grow well in cold temperatures) predominates most infections where both molds are present. Blue mold is actually Penicillium italicum and is not as serious as the green mold that occurs in Florida. The spores become airborne and grow large colonies on the surface of fruit that have become infected. They will go on to contaminated the equipment, water in any tank the fruit comes into contact with, the packinghouse, transit containers, any storage room, and eventually the retail market area if the infected fruit is allowed to travel that far.

The fungus survives outside of the fruit packing industry in soil debris and since the spores are airborne, they can infect fruit on the tree or on the ground whose skin is damaged. Any infected fruit that is boxed with healthy fruit will cause the whole carton to become infected and care should be taken to remove any diseased fruit from the lot as soon as possible. Before it makes it to the retail market, any diseased fruit must be removed. The cycle of producing spores and infecting fruit can be repeated a great number of times in storage rooms and fruit packing houses and since this is true, it will eventually develop a strain that has a resistance to any chemical fungicides.

The symptoms of blue mold appear similar to sour rot or green mold; a small area of decay begins to form and this manifests as a soft, somewhat watery spot. These lesions will enlarge to about 1 to 2 inches in diameter and white mycelium will form in the center. Blue spores will begin to form shortly afterward and these are easily turned airborne by either moving the fruit around physically or by a simple air current in the room.

To reduce the incidents of blue mold, both harvesting and handling of the fruit needs to be very careful. High populations of blue mold spores cannot be let to gather in the storage rooms or packinghouses. Any fruit that is infected should be removed from the area where clean fruit is located immediately and put in a different facility used especially for disposing of it. Equipment should be sanitized on a daily basis.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
flood water damage restoration chicago and
mold remediation companies across the united states.

What to Do to Your Flooded Home

Investing in a home that is in an area prone to floods can be frustrating, especially after the home you just bought gets flooded for the first time. Having to dry out parts of the building or even the entire thing can be a long and tedious process and if you have not ever had to do it, you might not know how to go about it. There are a few different things that you need to do after a home has become flood damaged and precautions to take in case it happens again.

After flood waters have receded and you re-enter your home, you need to be certain that there is no risk of electrocution. All power to your home should be cut before you re-enter, because it is likely that there is still some standing water. There are also some biological risks that you take when you go back into a home or other building that has been flooded. There are all kinds of chemicals and biological hazards that tend to exist in flood waters and you should wear protective gear while you are attempting to dry out your home and thoroughly wash your hands before you eat.

Before you begin trying to do anything to the home, you should take a video camera and carefully document the damage done to every part of your home. Do this thoroughly and try not to miss anything because this will help you tremendously when trying to file an insurance claim on your damaged home.

You should start by removing any insulation in your attic that has become wet. This will weigh down on your ceilings and can cause them to collapse, because wet insulation is not only heavy, but no longer effective. Anything else in the home that is still wet should be removed and set outside to dry. Opening windows to allow air to circulate through the home is also essential and if you have hardwood floors, drying them out naturally is the best way to go if you do not want to cause them to buckle. Using hot air from heaters to dry your home out is not recommended at all.

Watch for mold beginning to grow in the home shortly after the waters have receded. Mold can start to grow in as little as 24 hours after something has come into contact with water or high humidity. This is another issue that you do not want to have to deal with after a flood, not only because of the damage that it can do to your home, but also because of the damage it can do to your health.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Texas Residential Water Damage Restoration Contractors and
Water Damage Restoration companies across the united states.

Beware Of Water Damage Caused By Frozen Pipes

If you have just moved into a new home or even if it is just a rental, if you are planning on spending the winter there, it might be a good idea to remember to wrap any water pipes that you can gain access to. Most people who have owned a home for a while know all about this necessity, but if it is your first home, you might not think about it until it is too late. Well, it is likely that your parents mentioned it to you when you were younger, but you did not understand fully why they did it.

So, why wrap them? When the temperature outside falls below around twenty degrees Fahrenheit, the water pipes that are in your basement, under your sink, or outside exposed to these temperatures can become frozen and will burst. This will not only cause your water bill to go up if you do not notice this right away (and you should, unless you are away on vacation), but also cause water damage to the inside of your home depending on which pipe was ruptured.

Any pipes that you can reach easily should be wrapped up in some kind of insulation and if you can manage to get warm air to any of these pipes, it is a good idea to do so. Keeping the pipes above freezing is not too difficult if you have some good common sense.

The first thing to do is to open your bathroom and kitchen cabinets so that any heat inside your home can reach the water pipes inside. Even if your home is not being heated by a central heat and air system, you can still use space heaters to get this benefit as long as you are careful not to place them close enough to the cabinets for them to catch fire. Careful placement of space heaters is essential if you do not want to start a house fire. Use space heaters with caution.

It is also advised to leave a tad of water running in most faucets during the wintertime; even though your water bill may be a little more every month, but it might be a good idea to do this, anyway. The cost of repairing the water damage a busted pipe can cause far outweighs the little bit of extra you might pay each month during the winter by leaving a little water running all the time.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
North Carolina Basement water damage restoration and other states and cities such as
New Jersey Basement water damage restoration companies across the united states.

Bleach Is Not The Best Method To Kill Mold

People who run and maintain a household will probably contend that they use bleach to clean and disinfect just about anything that needs it, but what they might not be aware of is the fact that bleach is not the great purifier that we tend to think that it is. It has been used for years by dutiful housewives trying to get by without having to go to the store and buy another cleaner and it has come into light recently as being good for the removal of mold. Unfortunately, these claims are not true.

Bleach will do nothing to eliminate the mold that can occur on porous surfaces such as drywall. A study that was paid for recently by Clorox, the largest manufacturer of chlorine bleach in the world, states that trying to get rid of mold using bleach is to effective on nonporous surfaces only and that trying to use it on porous surfaces will only have a temporary effect. This would mean that if you see mold growing on your ceiling or on another part of your wall, then trying to use chlorine bleach to kill it will only work on a superficial and cosmetic level. The mold is likely to have contaminated the entire depth of the board and will only grow back later.

The EPA also does not classify chlorine bleach as a registered disinfectant that will terminate mold infections. Every bottle of disinfectant that kills mold is labeled with a registration number and there is no current brand of bleach in existence that has this label.

Also, in the effort to save the time of going to the store and buying more chemicals and in the interest of saving money, some people who attempt to get rid of mold themselves are often guilty of believing that mixing household chemicals can somehow “up the ante” and give them an advantage of some sort. It is a misconception that mixing household chemicals can somehow make them more effective and it is also dangerous. Chlorine bleach should not be mixed with any other household chemical, especially anything that contains ammonia. When chlorine bleach is mixed with ammonia, it can give off hazardous fumes and if your home is not properly ventilated at the time, these fumes can do serious harm to you. When attempting to remove mold from your home or business, it is always best to purchase chemicals that are reputable and advertised as able to kill mold.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Connecticut flood water damage restoration and other states and cities such as
South Carolina Sewage Damage Clean-up companies across the united states.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Cleaning Out the Fridge to Prevent Mold

With the obsession that many households in the United States have with food, one would think that we would remember to keep our refrigerators cleaned a lot more often than we do. Many of us have families to take care of and jobs to tend so, so maybe it is because we just do not have time to take care of this necessary chore like we used to or perhaps we think that the problem is not as bad as we are supposed to think it is. Most people realize that bacteria and mold can grow in the refrigerator almost as easily as outside it because of the large amount of food we keep inside it and a lot of the time our food is improperly stored, which opens it to contamination even further than normal. To keep a healthy kitchen, you need to clean out your refrigerator often; clean it out completely at least once every three or four months and here is how you can start.

Remove everything from the fridge, including from the doors, and set it aside wherever you are comfortable with leaving it. The best place is on the kitchen or dining room table or just your kitchen counters. If you do not have room, set things on a table somewhere, as leaving them in the floor is not exactly practical, especially if your floor is not clean.

Take every removable part of your fridge out and set them in a sink of hot water. If you are putting glass shelves in it, rinse them with warm water first to make sure the sudden temperature change does not crack the glass. This water should also contain plenty of antibacterial soap. Allow these to soak a few minutes, especially if they have any sticky residue like from jelly or syrup.

Start washing out the inside of the refrigerator with a rag or a sponge. Use a warm bowl of water and a spray bottle of whatever chemical you have chosen for this job. You can use bleach, but do not mix it with other household chemicals that you might have on hand and always wear rubber gloves. Make sure to get any food that is stuck onto the surface of the refrigerator off before you start putting things back.

When you are done cleaning the inside and done washing the removable shelves and racks, start putting them back. Then, go through the items that you took out and throw out anything that is stale, spoiled, or contaminated with mold.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Texas Residential Water Damage Restoration Contractors and
Water Damage Restoration companies across the united states.

Prevent Mold From Growing On Your Stuff

I know that I do not like mold on my stuff and you probably do not, either, but sometimes we dig into our closets and discover an old favorite item of clothing only to find that it is stinky and covered in mold. What a disappointment. This happens more often than some of us realize and the solution that we usually come up with is just to throw the item away. But, why let it get that way in the first place? What can you do to stop mold from getting on your things? There are a few different ways to help prevent mold from growing not only just in your home, but also on your stuff.

Since we are already talking about moldy clothes, one of the worst things that you can do is to pack your clothing extremely tightly into your closet. Maybe you have an aunt or a grandmother that has a closet packed to the brim with clothing that they never wear, but they might not realize that by trying to save space, they are actually helping mold to grow in the closet full of the clothes that they love so much. Air cannot circulate in these packed closets and add to that high humidity and warmth and you get mold. Some closets have vents installed in the floors to help alleviate this problem, but packing the closets so tight you can barely move them aside to get the shirt or pair of pants that you want completely defeats the purpose of the vent. Try not to pack your closets so full and if you cannot help it, simply get rid of some clothes.

Wet clothes are also particularly a problem, especially during the summertime when people go swimming. These are often thrown on the floor of the laundry room and left for some other person to pick up, but if you are the person that is supposed to pick them up, please do so. Wash wet clothes as soon as you can, especially if you can do this before they dry out. If you can help it, never throw dry clothes on top of wet ones because you will forget about them and mold will begin to grow pretty soon.

If you have baby bottles or any bottle that is oddly shaped, perhaps with a hollow handle that allows liquid inside, you probably have a hard time getting them completely dry if you do not have a dishwasher. To keep mold from growing in these, simply put them in the freezer after you wash them.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Miami Residential Water Damage Restoration Contractors and
Orlando water Damage companies.
Mold is a serious problem in our homes and it can affect not only the structure of the buildings we live in and our belongings, but also our health. But, while not all species of mold grow very well indoors, the genus of mold called Aspergillus has plenty of species that can grow in your home and do harm to your health and the health of your family and pets. The conditions and diseases that can be caused by molds in the Aspergillus genus are known by one collective name: aspergillosis.

The symptoms of aspergillosis can be different depending on what kind of infection that you have. When it is in its allergenic form, the symptoms tend to include some coughing up of blood, having difficulty breathing, coughing, fever, and sometimes even weight loss. This can also aggravate allergies that you or someone in your home already have and create an allergy that you did not have before the mold started to grow.

A type of aspergillosis that is called pulmonary aspergillosis is a type of infection that usually happens when people have a weakened immune system, such as those who have HIV, AIDS, or other immunodeficiency conditions. Some of the symptoms experienced by people with this are similar to those with allergic aspergillosis, but added to this is chest pain, blood in the urine, meningitis, headaches, and sinusitis.

Sometimes if you have had something such as cancer or any other condition that could create a cavity in the lungs or other organs of the body, aspergilloma can develop if you are exposed to this genus of mold for a long period of time. Aspergilloma are essentially fungus balls that grow in these cavities and are most common in those who are exposed to the mold and have had tuberculosis, lung cancer, cystic fibrosis, and etcetera. Anything that can cause a cavity in the lungs or other organ could expose someone to this condition if they are near the mold for very long. Quite often there are no symptoms of aspergilloma and many times when they do finally begin to show, they can include some of the same symptoms of allergic aspergillosis.

There are a few different tests that can be done for aspergilloma and these can include a bronchoscopy, a chest x-ray, or sometimes just a simple blood test to find antibodies that fight off the infection.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Houston Fire Damage Water Restoration Contractor companies and
Los Angeles Water Damage and Restoration Services.

Moldy Carpet

New carpet is something that almost every home owner wishes that they could afford, especially if that carpet has become contaminated by mold. Mold is everywhere in our homes in its spore form, but it becomes more hazardous and more visible when it actually starts to grow in colonies in our carpet, on our walls, and virtually on anything else composed of organic material.

Dealing with carpet that has become contaminated with mold can really be a pain, because many times you are just better off purchasing new carpet. It just depends on your situation, what area of your home you are having to replace the carpet in, and whether you want to hire someone else to install it for you or not.

Unfortunately, a lot of the time when your carpet becomes contaminated with mold, you have to tear it up and throw it out in the end. At the very least, you will have to pull it up and remove the padding from underneath it because this padding cannot be cleaned. You just have to buy more of it.

Also, if your carpet has been submerged in water throughout the house or even just in one room, the best thing that you can do is just tear it up and throw it away. This is especially true if it is due to flood waters that can have all kinds of chemicals, sewage, and even cadavers floating in it. The biological hazards that could be present in your old carpet will be there even after the carpet dries and will affect the health of you and your family. Mold loves to grow on items that have gotten wet and been allowed to dry naturally.

Purchase a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter if you can. This will filter the air that your vacuum cleaner is dispersing back into your home, but when you have to empty this filter’s contents in to your garbage, do so with gloves on.

Another bad thing that you could have in your home to help mold grow is wall-to-wall carpeting. If you have this in your home already, you can reduce the amount of mold that could grow if you just remove your shoes before walking upon it and not allowing pets on it at all.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
water damage restoration companies and
Dallas Residential Water Damage Restoration Contractors.

Mold Miracles

For the millions of years that mold has been around, it has been considered a harmful scourge to our health. However, there are a variety of ways that mold has been used by human beings for years in order to improve our quality of life as opposed to harming us. It has been used in various kinds of foods. It has been used for medicinal purposes. It has even been used to decompose dead organic matter.

There have been many different kinds of foods have been produced with the aid of mold for millennia. And perhaps the most famous food created using mold is cheese. Blue cheese was actually an accident when mold had been allowed to grow on a block of cheese that had been left to age. Roquefort, as well as gorgonzola, is also made with molds. It takes cultivation of the right kinds of molds to make these blue cheeses. The cultivation of these molds has become somewhat of a science over the years, and the gorgonzola and Roquefort are the so-called “kings” of cheese.

The popular Japanese alcoholic beverage sake is produced by using the mold aspergillius oryzae, also known as “koji-kin”. Sake is not the only drink that employs the use of aspergillius oryzae as an ingredient. It is splashed on the top of steamed rice and it provides all of the enzymes that are needed to make the sugar that the yeast needs to grow. The mold is also very important to the creation of sake, as any brewer who would be proud of his drink would tell you. Depending on the desired flavor of the sake, the koji-creation process is manipulated by the use of different temperatures, the different kinds of rice used, the mineral content of the water, and all of the other factors affect the final product.

Alexander accidentally created penicillin back in the early 1900s and it is used in countries worldwide in order to keep all sorts of different diseases and infections at bay. While there is a group of people who are allergic to penicillin, they are not common enough to prevent doctors from breaking out their prescription pads.

Apart from the usual uses that human beings have found for mold, its natural role is very basic. Its role is nothing more than to decompose dead matter in the natural environment. This is how it makes its way into our homes and work places, because these buildings are composed of organic material.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Miami water damage restoration companies and
mold remediation companies across the united states.